
To the naked eye, dermatographism seems like an uncommon skin condition, but in reality, it affects millions of people worldwide every day without them even knowing it. Dermatographism (also known as dermographia) is an allergic reaction that causes hives and welts on your skin when it’s lightly stroked or scratched. It occurs after irritation, such as poison ivy or a sunburn. The causes of this condition are unclear, but many people associate it with stress. This condition is usually managed without any treatments or medications.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of dermatographism are the red or purple welts created by scratching an area of skin. Other indicators of this condition include:

  • Itching
  • Raise red lines
  • Inflammation of the skin
  • Swelling
  • Hive-like welts
  • Diagnosis

Diagnosing dermatographism can be difficult. The most common way to diagnose dermatographism is by looking for the characteristic rash in response to gentle skin stroking. Other diagnosis methods include placing a drug that causes inflammation over the skin or examining skin biopsy samples for signs of mast cells degranulating.

Management and Treatment

Depending on the severity of the condition, there are a few different ways to manage dermatographism. For mild cases, over-the-counter antihistamines can help to reduce itchiness and inflammation. If the illness is more severe, prescription-strength antihistamines or topical steroids may be necessary. In sporadic cases, immunosuppressive drugs may control the immune system.

Preventive measures for dermatographism include avoiding triggers that can worsen the condition, such as stress, certain medications, and certain foods. It is also vital to protect the skin from further irritation by using gentle soaps and moisturizers.

  • Management includes:
  • Avoiding triggers.
  • Taking antihistamines and other medications to control itching.
  • Applying cool compresses to affected areas to relieve itchin

How Can We Help?

If you are suffering from dermatographism, the providers at Allergy, Asthma & Immunology can help. We offer a variety of treatments that can help treat the symptoms of dermatographism and make a living with it more manageable. Some of these include preventive tips that can be used to help with symptoms, schedule an appointment today.





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